Friday, February 10, 2017


Good evening beautiful mamas!


I pray that everyone had an incredibly awesome and amazing day! Yay! Hooray! Cheers!

As I sat at breakfast this morning, I started to reflect on love, Valentine's Day, and pop culture. My mind took me back a couple decades to a hit song by Stevie Wonder entitled "These Three Words." Is anyone familiar with this track?

I don't self-identify as an exclusive fan of any one singer, songwriter, or composer but I have sampled various genres of music and musicians. There is no shortage of talent among some guys and gals in the music industry. I have marveled at some of the poetic genius that is unearthed among songwriters.

If pop music offends anyone's sensibilities then please pardon my faux pas. I'm not a fan per se but certain songs resonate with me for one reason or another. Read on if you dare. Please check out the lyrics to Stevie's song "These Three Words." They are posted below:

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Mother or father, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Daughter or son, I love you

Ones you say you cherish everyday
Can instantly be taken away
Then you'd say I know this can't be true
When you never took the time
To simply tell them "I love you"

When was the last time
That they heard you say
Sister or brother, I love you
And when was the last time
That they heard you say
Darling or best friend, I love you

The one for whom you'd give your very life
Could be taken in the twinkling of an eye
Through your tears you'd ask why did you go
Knowing you'd didn't always show
Just how much you loved them so

These three words
Sweet and simple
These three words
Short and kind
These three words
Always kindles
An aching heart to smile inside

I know a family
Who hasn't a cent to their name
And yet the joy and love they have between them
They always claim
And when one's called from life
The survived mourn the lost
And will never be the same
Yet they rejoice
In knowing they gave them their all

These three words
Sweet and simple
These three words
Short and kind
These three words
Always kindles

Wow! Stevie packed a punch in this song! I'm not sure what inspired his composition but we can gather much from this pop hit. We are reminded that love is a whole lot more than three, sweet and simple words however, if we're not careful, we can miss many opportunities to say "I love you" and to show how much we care.

Dearest Sisters, we may long for romantic love interests from time to time. It's only natural. But, while we are waiting for God's "green light" and for a favorable suitor, we have a host of family and friends to faithfully shower with love. Tomorrow is not promised so it's best that we express our love to our loved ones while we have time.

I imagine that our kiddos can benefit from hearing us say "I love you" more often. I suspect that there are family members and friends that we haven't reached out to in a long time; some that would love to hear our voices or enjoy our presence. I venture to say that there are strangers in shelters, prisons, jails, and hospitals all over that are dying to hear and feel God's love reflected through us. And then, there's the ongoing, challenging pursuit of loving our enemies. Ouch! Yes, even our wretched enemies are yearning for our love, grace, and mercy.

Sometimes it's so enticing and easy to desire a new 'friend' to love. Old relationships seem harder to mend and they are bogged down with many complexities and complications. It's no wonder that new love is so welcoming. Our hearts and minds can get carried away with ideas of romantic getaways and cute gestures to prove our love to a new love interest. New love is refreshing, renewing, exhilarating, and invigorating. Sometimes we desire it to satisfy our own carnal needs. And, sometimes our desire is truly for the benefit of another. But, most often, we can feel a sense of accomplishment and progress quicker in new relationships. That sense of pride seems to far outweigh the frustration and disappointment of relationships that seem utterly impossible to navigate or salvage.

Some say love is blind. We can easily gravitate to that blinding light. The blinding element of love is wonderful because is anesthetizes and separates us from the cares and concerns of this world. How tempting it is to self-medicate with relationships. Oh may the Lord help us in our struggles.

Surely, we need love. We were designed to give and receive love. I believe that God made 'love' to be a multifaceted experience. It is a sustainer and preserver of life.

But, while we're waiting on romantic love (if the aforementioned wait is applicable to you), remember that there are scores of people all around that need OUR love. There are many people, near and far, that need to hear us say, "I'm sorry," "I love you," Is there anything that I can do to help you?"

As Stevie sang, "when was the last time they heard YOU say.....darling, I LOVE YOU?"

Dearest Sisters, make someone's Valentine's Day very, very, very special. Touch someone's life with your goodness EVERYDAY. Give the love that someone so desperately needs. Say the words that someone so desperately needs to hear. Love like you've never been hurt! Love hard!

Love and blessings


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