Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Revelation 1:3 KJV
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

HOME BUILDING: Reading Aloud As a Family

Dearest Sisters,


Charge ahead with grace and poise or gruel and grit!!! Just charge ahead! Victory is up ahead!

Divorce is a visceral foe. It attempts to take everyone captive. One of the treacherous effects is division. The spirits of fear and chaos can try to attack a family post-divorce. Consequently, we- as loving mamas- have to invest substantial time and energy into the re-building of our families and homes. We have to provide stability for our kiddos. We have to achieve a new 'normal.' And, we have to flood them with love, affection, and affirmation as we strive to strengthen our family bond. With the Lord, we can mitigate the effects of divorce; through the blood of Jesus, we can do damage control and reclaim our lives. No weapon formed against us can prosper because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

Are you looking for a new family pastime or bonding activity? If so, look no further than your home library. Reading together as a family is a fantastic pastime and bonding adventure.

Though the options are endless, the Bible can be an incredible source to use to launch your family's read-aloud-sessions.  It's a very powerful experience to hear the Bible read aloud. More and more churches use the Bible less and less on Sundays. And, often "sermons" are void of scriptures in favor of inspirational quotations. If your family hasn't been soaked and saturated in the scriptures in a while, don't delay; use the Bible to read and study as a family.

Reading aloud, as a family, is a GREAT undertaking that can improve family connectedness, increase familial intimacy, foster open dialogue, and even assuage family mental health issues. It's amazing to witness family intimacy alleviate myriad stressors and lingering anxiety and moodiness.

Family storytelling has a much longer history but whether telling stories or reading books, the blessings and benefits of "campfire traditions" can supercharge our families and build up or nurture our 'homes.' We can have the goodies of "camp" without leaving our premises.

So, choose a moment- sooner than later- to call everyone together for FAMILY READING TIME. Invite everyone to snuggle up in their favorite spot. Then, welcome one and all to travel together to distant places and eras AS A FAMILY. Try a few sessions. I think you will agree that it's worthwhile. I'm praying that you, your family and your home are blessed.

Love and blessings


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