Friday, May 26, 2017


Psalm 116:17-19 KJV
17 I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord.
18 I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.
19 In the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord.
Dearest Sisters,
I'm praying for you and yours!
I'm cheering for you and yours!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the graduates among us!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the kiddos that have been awarded, ribboned, and decorated with trophies in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments!
CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of our kiddos that worked hard this year, and that made progress- both obvious, expected progress, and subtle, surprise progress made through "blood, sweat, and tears." ALL of our kiddos' progress is newspaper- and brag- worthy! Glory to God!
Can I nominate each parent as PARENT OF THE YEAR in their respective home? TOO LATE, I already did. LOL! YOU were nominated, and won!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to all parents in our fellowship. YOU are PARENT OF THE YEAR in your home! Yay! Hooray! Lord God, please continue to bless and favor single parents and their children, AMEN!
Keep up the GREAT work, kiddos!
Keep up the GREAT work, beautiful mamas!
Just a few days shy of Memorial Day, I want to remind you all that God enjoys, in fact, He loves memorials and remembrance.
As you celebrate, or prepare to celebrate, your kiddos' successes and your family's successes, REMEMBER the Author of those successes.
Can you pinpoint a time or place over the course of the past year, when you or your kiddo (s) was tested beyond your comfort? Can you recall being challenged to trust God to see you through? How about the time you felt sure that you or your kiddo would throw in the towel: quit A, because of B, and moreover, because you couldn't "see" C possibly transpiring.
But, because of God's faithfulness, you (all) didn't give up! You remained strong in the Lord. I imagine that you took comfort in knowing the following truism: although I am unsure of what God's faithfulness looks like from time to time or place to place, I rest assure that He is faithful.

Sisters, I imagine that you and your kiddo(s) had to offer the Lord a sacrifice of thanksgiving!
To sacrifice is to surrender or to incur a loss of something prized for the sake of a higher claim (dictionary).
Dearly Beloved, it's relatively easy to thank the Lord when life is going great. But, it's a whole other matter to offer thanks to the Lord from a state of anguish, pain, irritation, vexation, exhaustion, or hopelessness.
Yet, every overcomer, survivor, winner, and champion knows the importance of sacrifice. Each victor could probably recall entering a "race" and also, encountering a hurdle. I imagine they know all to well "the moment" wherein they had to muster strength from waaaay down deep in order to thank God in spite of the hurdle. Though, it's hard to thank Him when the journey gets tough, thankfulness is a catalyst for change.
Thanksgiving is a divine weapon; its glorifies God and edifies us. Thanking God, in our weakness, miraculously strengthens us and spurs us along. Offering thanks to God can lift a runner over a hurdle.
Corrie Ten Boom and her sister, Betsy were imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp. Their barracks were full of fleas. Although they were covered in flea bites and irritated from head to toe, the Lord invited them to thank Him for the fleas. It was incredibly hard to thank God when they were homesick, miserable, and surrounded by extreme suffering. But, the sisters found the faith and courage, to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God.
Their sacrifice helped them to focus their attention on God, not themselves. Their sacrifice also helped them to realize how God used the thing (the fleas) that greatly antagonized them for their good. Because of the fleas in the barracks, the Nazi guards avoided them, thus allowing them to teach God's Word, praise Him, and share the Gospel with other prisoners.
Sisters, I encourage you to gather your kiddos around the table for a memorial. Remind everyone of God's faithfulness. Remind everyone of a sacrifice of thanksgiving offered to the Lord. Recall God's unfailing love to you and yours! Bask in the joys and wonders of His goodness.
Often, it's hardest to pray when we need to pray the hardest.
Often, it's hardest to praise and thank God when we need to praise and thank Him most.
Our Heavenly Father commands us to offer Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Remember, the Lord notices your sacrifices of thanksgiving. He will reward your obedience.
Have a wonderful day AND a memorable Memorial Day weekend!
Love, blessings, and hugs to all

Thursday, May 25, 2017


1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 KJV
Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Dearest Sisters,
Is a storm brewing in your life? Are you facing a troublesome crisis? Are you experiencing persecution? Do you feel doubtful and discouraged?
When trials and tribulations arise, seek God; hide in Him. Seek the Lord FIRST; He is our BEST defense, not a last resort. Shut out any distractions and cry out to Jesus! Ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance, direction, and peace. The Lord knew about the storm or crisis that you're facing way before it hit your radar. Trust God! Step out on faith and take godly action to defend and protect you and yours. Fight forward!
The Lord is the most qualified "storm chaser" yet: He speaks to storms, He speaks through storms, He quiets storms, He creates storms, He cancels storms, He protects during storms, He destroys (our enemies) in storms, He walks through storms, and He dwells above storms! Storms are subject to God, sisters! Trust the Lord with your storm and through your storm. Regardless of the forecast in your life, the Son shines!
In the midst of storms, crisis, and suffering, remember to thank God for His goodness and His love. Circumstances and challenges do not change God's nature. Storms and crisis do not thwart the plans of God. The Lord is always for us! 
After we were saved, God could have easily whisked us away to Heaven but, our mission as members of the body of Christ is to advance His kingdom- to win souls for Christ. Our testimonies are very effective tools for evangelism. God delights in walking with us through storms and delivering us from crisis. Our eyewitness accounts of God's deliverance can help those that are struggling with similar storms.
Satan often whispers lies in our ears during tough times; Satan wants us to doubt God and turn on Him when we need the Lord most. Don't fall for the lies, gimmicks, and tricks, ladies. We must fight against Satan's subtle attacks. We must pray hardest when it's hardest to pray. We must thank God when it's hardest to be thankful. 
Cultivating thanksgiving in our hearts, even during overwhelming hardship, is a sure way to stay aligned with the Lord and repel the wicked one. In the midst of your storm, worship the Lord! Thanksgiving and worship are powerful weapons in the hands of sufferers. Remain faithful, your deliverance is closer than you think. 
Count your blessings, sisters!
Be thankful!
Love, blessings, and hugs to all

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Hebrews 12:1-3 KJV
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
While living in Alaska, I took Russian Folk Dance lessons. I enjoyed practicing and practicing and then, finally performing at a show or competition. 
En route to competition, my fellow dance team members and I would be full of excitement and confidence. 
But, moments later AND just before a performance, doubt and dreariness would attempt to distract and derail us. 
We often looked around and sized up other troupes. We soon began the daunting task of making comparisons between ourselves and others. 
We had come too far to start questioning if we were truly ready.
We vainly tried to draw conclusions about other performers based on superficial observations. 
Wrongful comparisons can be maddening! 
In a flash, our team was announced; it was show time. At that moment, all cares and comparisons were drowned out by the demand of the performance. 
The adrenaline rush began!
We proceeded to the dance square and danced to our hearts' content. 
After our routine was finished, we raced into an applauding crowd full of giggles. It didn't matter how we placed or if we placed, we all were just grateful for the opportunity to dance AND to dance together. 
We were proud of the fruit of our hard work. The sense of accomplishment that enveloped us after a show was gratifying! And, in spite of all odds, we just kept dancing! Doubt and discouragement would surface but, the best remedy then and now remains: just keep dancing. 
Dearest Sisters,
We all are running the Christian race! Trials and tribulations will arise! Doubt and dreariness will attempt to invade our thoughts. If we faint not, we will receive a reward. 
I pray that God sprinkles abundant blessings and miracles in your life to remind you of the worthwhile race that you're running. 
The Lord's mercies are new everyday. His faithfulness is guaranteed. Because of the Lord, we are not consumed! 
God will send joys to you at various benchmarks/ milestones on your race to keep you encouraged, to remind you that He is proud of you, and to repeatedly confirm that running the Christian race is ultimately satisfying , in spite of the costs and sacrifices, because it keeps us in the center of God's will, purpose, and plan.
Everyday, we train hard for life by praying, studying the Word of God, and worshipping the Lord. We will have countless opportunities to apply God's word and live out our faith. Let's not shirk back when it's showtime. Let's ignore Satan's lies. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!
Our goal is to live unto God as He is our standard. Live on fire for God; lukewarm won't suffice. No matter what, don't turn back! Don't stop running! When you trip, fall, or get tackled by the trials and tribulations of life, the best remedy then and now remains: get back up and KEEP RUNNING! No hurdle is insurmountable with God! KEEP RUNNING! 
The school year is nearly over! Fight hard against end-of-year frustrations and aggravations. You have run beautifully this year! You and your kiddos have run well! The finish line is in view! Don't give up! KEEP RUNNING!
Love, blessings, hugs to all

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Psalm 1:1-3 KJV
1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
No Compromise
We've heard it before, "why do the bad guys get the good girls?" WHY, OH WHY, do the bad guys get the good girls???!!!! 
I pray that we teach our kiddos this timeless remedy: one that does not keep ungodly friends will hardly ever, close to never, have to worry about courting or marrying an ungodly man (or ungodly woman).
So, my darling sweetheart and I were watching a movie together. The movie was about a young British lady that set out for China to become a missionary. While on the mission field, an atheist Army officer made a play for her heart. Bit by bit, he made impressions on her.
Then, on one auspicious evening, he told her that she was beautiful. Unbeknownst to him, he was the first person to ever utter those words to her, the young missionary. The young woman's ears were tickled and her heart warmed. She nearly swooned as she was overcome with emotion. She was lovestruck. And, the Army officer struck undeserving gold with three simple words. The young missionary forgot that her officer friend was an atheist; or perhaps, his compliment clouded her judgement.
The scene could have been a perfect prelude to a blessed love but, I was careful to notice that this young missionary dear "fell in love" with a non-Christian man. The words "You are beautiful," undoubtedly caused this affection and love deprived girl to offer the key to her heart to a man that was not biblically qualified, in anyway, to be friend, let alone her her beau or husband. 
I was reminded that Satan has a counterfeit for every gift of God. We have to constantly pray for wisdom and discernment for ourselves and our kiddos. No compliment is worth the cost of disobeying God. His laws are for our good. We have safety in His parameters for us. 
Later in the movie, prior to separating for war, the officer slipped a "promise" ring on the gal's finger. My heart instantly sank! I shouted inside, "nooooooooo." I've seen all too often how unequally yoked friendships and marriages unfold; it's not a pretty tale to say the least.
Eventually, the movie ends with the young woman leading war orphans to safety. No other mention was made of the Army officer or what became of their budding relationship. 
Within moments of the credits rolling, I realized that Satan uses the same ole lies and tricks to depress, oppress, and possess people, including Christians. Sisters, I implore you to daily shower your kiddos in godly love and affection. Teach them the scriptures; teach them of God's unfailing, unconditional love for them. Prevent them, as best you can, from selling themselves for a wooden nickel. Rehearse and rehearse again the biblical mandates for a Christian's friends and potential suitors. Strive to be a good example; God will help you.
Pastor Voddie Baucham has written an incredible book entitled, "What he MUST be to marry my daughter." Last year, several copies of the book were on sale at convention, at the HEAV booth/ table. He also has published books on biblical manhood but, the above title can be used for both daughters and sons. The biblical standard for our daughters' husbands is the same for our sons.
We CANNOT leave our children's friends and love interests up to chance and definitely not error. We must be intentional in shepherding their hearts. We must be intentional in applying God's guidelines for their current friends and future spouses. 
God gives us some choice in the selection of our kiddos's friends and eventual spouses. But, there are some hard and fast rules as well; the non-negotiables I would say. By and large, parents and kiddos can come in agreement on the external attributes (i.e. size, shape, height) of those they befriend and perhaps marry but, the internal attributes are not up for compromise.
We can not allow our children to settle for friendships or romantic interests with non-Christians. The consequences are dangerous, deadly, and often lifelong and multi-generational. Let's train up our kiddos to stay in the faith by befriending and eventually, marrying in the faith. Venturing beyond God's parameters is not worth the headache, the heartache, the heartbreak, and the misery that comes along with territory. 
There is love, peace, and joy forevermore when we, the sheep of the Lord, flock and graze in His pastures alone. We must leave the goats alone. 
Parenting is hard but, it is good. Good things are hard and definitely worth fighting for!
Fight forward!
Love, blessings, and hugs

Monday, May 22, 2017




Psalm 3:1-3 KJV
Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me.
2 Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.
3 But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
My family and I were researching the history of Switzerland. Switzerland is a very beautiful nation in which we hope to visit one day. While reading an account of Swiss history, we stumbled upon a very sore chapter in their national history. 
Up until the 1970s, a government policy called "Verdingkinder" or "contract children" was in effect. Under this policy, children of poor families, especially single mothers, were taken by the state and placed in a foster care system; parents were legally helpless and could do nothing to stop the government. The "contract children" scheme was essentially state-sanctioned kidnapping.
Once entered into the foster care system, single mothers rarely ever saw their children again as they were taken far from home. Then, the children were forced into a life of hard labor on state-run farms. The children of single mothers were abducted and enslaved. 
Can you imagine the heartbreak and despair that overwhelmed single mothers (and poor families)? Many of these women probably finished out their days depressed and destitute or perhaps, they died prematurely due to broken hearts. 
Ladies, we are incredibly blessed. We are blessed with the freedom to parent our children. The legal recognition and protection of a single parent headed home, especially a single woman, is a fairly new idea. Praise God for his providential sovereignty! 
Some among us are foster parents; it is a huge blessing to be a mother in a single parent home PERIOD! Many years ago, foster children weren't even so fortunate to be placed in the loving care of a single woman; they were instead placed in institutions or on hard labor farms.
So many assaults and attacks have come upon vulnerable single mothers over the years in many countries. The biblical response to widows and fatherless children is love and support but, often single women and children are met with scorn, shame, ostracism, and, at worse, exploitation and abuse. 
Oh sisters, I don't know what you are fighting today, I don't know what burdens you are carrying, but, you can rejoice today because of the faithful mercies of God. Because of his loving kindness, we are not consumed. Great is the Lord's faithfulness unto us. Somebody shout, "hallelujah."
If your children are living under your roof and the government hasn't kicked down the door in the darkness of night to steal your kids, you are blessed!!!!!! YOU are incredibly blessed. Sisters, you are blessed beyond belief. 
As I write this message, some among us are involved in heated custody battles. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pray for our sisters' protection and their kiddos' protection. Please pray that God's favor and grace be upon them. PLEASE pray for the Lord's wisdom and guidance to lead and direct them and their legal counsel. PLEASE pray for sympathetic judges that will righteously legislate.
It's very hard fighting the government to end such wretched policies as the "contract children" scheme but, it seems very unnatural and utterly dehumanizing to fight your own "flesh and blood" for relief from injustice and abuse. Please remain prayerful! We can never stop fighting for our parenting freedoms. 
Ladies, please take a moment and pray for our sisters that are inundated with legal battles. Ladies, please take another moment to thank God for the incredible blessing and freedom to parent as a single mom. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me. Bless His holy name. AMEN!
Love, blessings, and hugs to all

Friday, May 19, 2017


Psalm 143: 10 KJV
Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.
Dearest Sisters,
Yay! Hooray!
The Lord has brought us through yet another week! Glory hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
Y'all are my heroes!!!! Keep going! Keep up the great work! Don't slow down! Don't ease up! Keep fighting forward! You will reap a reward in due season, IF you faint NOT.
Psalm 143: 10 reminds us that God will teach us His will and lead us into the land of uprightness. Sisters, if you are struggling to discern God's will for you or your kiddos, ASK HIM. The Lord doesn't give us a mission without a manual and a map. Seek the Lord for your life and your kiddos' lives. He has a special plan and purpose for you all. And, He is willingly and readily available to share His heart with you. The Lord has numbered your days and ordered your steps; He has directed your paths. Ask the Lord to teach you His will and how to walk in His ways. 
Have a blessed, beautiful day!
Have a restful and relaxing weekend! Cheers!
Love, blessings, and hugs to all

Thursday, May 18, 2017


"If you don't make mistakes, it's because you're not doing anything."
-Todd's Dad
Dearest Sisters,
God is for you and yours! Yay! Hooray!
Just as surely as I wish you a HAPPY THURSDAY, I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas! Christmas in May you ask? Yes! I want to remind you that the joy of Christmas should be celebrated year round. Perhaps, some old lady across town still has Christmas lights stringed around her porch and decorations scattered around the yard. It's not particularly classy to keep Christmas decorations displayed year round but the message of Christmas is important every day. Deep down in my heart, I understand the old lady's year round decorations. Smile! We need daily reminders of God's love and presence as we battle through life. So, Merry Christmas! 
We know that God is Emmanuel; we know that He came to live among us and His Holy Spirit is still with us. Yet, sometimes the cares of life make us feel distant from God. Take heart, sister. God is never nearer to you than when your heart is burdened. 
Remember, the Lord is with us always. He will never leave us nor forsake us. God is along for the journey; better yet, He is leading and guiding us. The Lord will NOT bail on us. It's so comforting to know that we will not face any task, obstacle, or challenge without the Lord. 
The Lord has given us the honorable role of mother and parent. He knows that our roles will be full of work that we can not achieve on our own. Truth is the Lord never asked us to parent or mother in our own strength. The Lord God beckons us daily to draw our strength and rest from Him. He pursues us to partner with Him. Parenting is a God thang! Motherhood is a God thang! We need God to make the thang work! Period!
While parenting, we won't be without mistakes and misjudgments. We won't be without fears and doubt. But, let's surrender those things to God. We must charge on in the battles of life as we fight for our children and homes. One famous cowboy once said, "face your fear and saddle up." 
Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Every morning God's mercies are new. God's grace is always sufficient for us. We would be consumed, annihilated, overwhelmed, destroyed, wasted.......if not for God's sustaining love and incredible faithfulness. Every evening we can kneel in prayer and share our shortcomings with the Lord. He will compassionately forgive us, redirect us, comfort us, guide us, inspire us, refocus us, and plant us. God is for us! He is our forever cheerleader! The Lord will not let us fail. And, the Lord will not fail us.
It's so easy to become paralyzed by fear and anxiety. We have so many choices to make for our kiddos. We are constantly bombarded by influences and voices of the world. Life is like a river; it's constantly flowing. We have to live and make parenting decisions daily, even in the midst of personal difficulties. We will make mistakes, even as we make decisions based on the present information that we have at our disposal. But, if and when the Lord convicts us, we need to be quick to respond to God and implement change in our lives and families. We have to be willing to make a quick u-turn if and when God informs us that a decision we made is not best for ourselves or our families. We must be willing and obedient. Our true freedom comes from God's limitations for us.
Charge on!
Fight forward!
Happy Parenting!
Merry Christmas!
Love, blessings, and hugs to all

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Dearest Sisters,
HAPPY WEDNESDAY, Major Moms!!!! Read on...
Sometimes, protecting our children isn't a matter of righteousness or wickedness, good or evil. Many times protecting our children involves little decisions that have big impacts. I argue that it's easier to choose between right and wrong. But, we are living in a time wherein the lines are quickly, trickily blurring. The parenting challenge is choosing between two "rights." Oh Lord, help us to wisely choose between right and almost right. Father God, please help us to understand and unapologetically defend the truth that what's good for everyone else's kids is not always good for our kids. In Jesus' name, AMEN!
Sisters, our job is to never give our children too much freedom or too many "rights" or liberties before they are spiritually mature or responsible enough to handle such privileges. Our homes are boot camps or training grounds. Hence, "train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22: 6 KJV). It is our duty to train our children for life beyond our homes. You are Major Mom; embrace it! Smile!
Our children will only get to "lose" their innocence ONE time. Hopefully, it occurs right before entering into adulthood and not a minute sooner. Childhood was meant to be enjoyed as a child and with child-like faith, fun, and fabulousness. Sadly, too many kiddos are losing their innocence too fast and too soon. Oh where, oh where, are the guardians of their eyes, ears and hearts?! Who is standing the watch? Who is defending the defenseless? Who is protecting the precious and "pure?"
Usually innocence isn't lost after ONE decision but, rather it's a series of decisions and choices that gradually chip away at innocence. Exposure, exposure, exposure to certain things at the wrong time lends itself to a diminishing innocence. We have to protect our children's innocence and purity. We MUST guard their purity and their innocence.....Purity of the child belongs to the parent. It is ours to defend and protect. We are God's stewards. We have to daily communicate to our children their worth and our mission to defend them at all costs. 
When our kiddos are young, we nearly single-handedly protect them but as they grow we need their participation to protect their honor, purity, and definitely virginity. We can keep our children sexual pure until marriage. It's doable. But, it's a family act. Let's train them up in the Lord! Some things, once given away can never be taken back. Our actions can not be undone once they are done (think of Eve eating the forbidden fruit. She was wrongly enlightened and she could not turn back the hands of time after she became aware of her mistake. What was done was done. Although God had a remedy, Eve's decision was consequential.) Let's partner with God to make sure our kiddos are trained in a godly fashion. We must pray hardest when it's hardest to pray!
As moms, we have to determine the appropriateness of things that our kiddos want for themselves or even things that we may want for them. Some things are good in one season and bad in another. We must daily seek God for wisdom and discernment as it relates to parenting our kiddos. We need God to help us make wise decisions for our children. And, eventually we need God's help to teach our children how to make wise decisions for themselves. We are "called" to train our children. If we become friends later in life that's great. But, friendship goals should never compromise our roles as mothers and trainers. 
At some point, it will not be wise to give or deny our children something without an explanation of our decision making process. "No" and "yes" answers are great for young children but, as our children grow we have to explain ourselves and cultivate godly decision making in them. The end goal is amazing. We want to make disciples of Christ, and for Christ, that can make godly decisions for themselves when they are in our presence and when they are away from us. Father God, please lead and guide us everyday in this humongous, yet humbling and honoring task.
Everyday we have the wonderful privilege of demonstrating to our children the power of decisions and the power of consequences/ rewards. Everyday they get to see how we respond to a pagan culture, peer pressure, and doubters/ naysayers. Let's strive to walk in God's ways. There is a wonderful, multi-generational blessing in store for walking in the Lord's ways before our children. 
Remember, everyday we are replicating ourselves. By and large, our children will become us. Some decisions are easy and some are hard. Stand on those hard decisions. Your children will thank you later. You're doing a great job, Mom! Keep up the awesome work! BE ENCOURAGED!
Psalm 128:1- 2 KJV Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. 
Happy mothering!

Happy training!
Happy parenting!
Love, blessings, and hugs

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Happy Tuesday, sweet Sisters!!!
Be encouraged! Fight forward! 
Poison: chemical vs. spiritual 
Dearest Ladies,
Why do we forbid our children from playing with chemicals? Why do we keep chemicals locked up or far away from our children's sphere of exploration? It's because we understand the danger of accidental use or misuse of chemicals. We love our children and we understand the sanctify of life so we children and teenager-proof our homes to keep them protected. Any good parent would do any and everything to keep their kiddos away from everyday household chemicals that could be toxic if consumed.
Sadly, some parents are NOT so discerning with spiritual poisons. Why do we assume that our children can listen to any type of music, for the sake of entertainment, and emerge unscathed? Why do we assume that they can watch any show on TV and remain faithful to walk in the ways of God? Moreover, we assume that our children can have friendships with any child, participate in any activity or holiday that strikes their fancy, or OURS, and STILL remain on fire for God. Or, we assume they can go to various compromising places and still be safe.
Sisters, we are daily bombarded with spiritual poisons. They are NOT locked away. Wickedness is prevalent. We have to keep blinders on in order to survive the onslaught. We have to reject these poisons personally and keep our children away from them. We must protect our children's ears, eyes, and minds; those are the gatekeepers of the soul. 
No one knows how many minutes of listening to a vile song or viewing a worldly TV show will strangle our kiddos' faith or plant seeds of rebellion later. No one knows how many times an event must be attended or a holiday observed before apathy and aversion to the ways of God manifest. BE CAREFUL! We MUST be prayerful and careful! 
We would NEVER, ever consider pouring bleach in our children's cereal! Nor would we fry our chicken in motor oil! We would NEVER sprinkle powdered detergent on our freshly baked cookies! We would NEVER let our children use caulk to frost a cupcake! We would NEVER make a lunch salad with poison ivy! We would NEVERRRRRR..... But, sadly, we can be a lot less discerning with spiritual poisons. Maybe because the spiritual poisons don't necessarily have skulls and bones printed on them nor do they have pungent odors. Or, maybe because they glitter and sparkle. Lord Jesus, we need you!
Oh God in Heaven, we thank you for the privilege and honor to parent our children. Father God, we are raising our children in the midst of chaos and cultural wars. We are practically raising our children in Babylon. Father God, please show us how to raise our children in the world but, not according to the ways of the world. Father, please convict our hearts of worldly influences and spiritual poisons that we need to immediately and permanently remove from our homes. Help us to always walk in Your ways, oh Lord. In Jesus' name, AMEN!
Love, blessings, and hugs

Monday, May 15, 2017


Sooooooo, yesterday was Mother's Day! Maybe you did NOT wake up to roses, chocolates, cards, jewelry or breakfast from your ex-husband. Perhaps he did NOT even text, email, call, stop by, or take the time to thank you for the incredible job that you are doing with you all's kids but, that's okay. His loss! Your ex missed the opportunity to participate in something greater than himself......a celebration of a miraculous, marvelous motherhood/ parenthood adventure.

YOU ARE GREAT, MOM!!!!! YOU are worthy of celebration!!!!!! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE, MOM!!!! In fact, WE are AWESOME! We may not be perfect but, we get the job done. Glory to God! AMEN!

Hopefully, your day was full of precious moments with your kiddos. Those precious moments will one day become precious memories. Home-made (or store brought) gifts from our children are far better than any adult selected, generic gift! Sometimes, it's not even the presents but just their PRESENCE that REALLY matters! Whatever God had in store for you yesterday, I hope you simply enjoyed it.

Today is the day after Mother's Day but, continue to enjoy yourself!!! Just enjoy yourself all week long!!!!! Enjoy yourself, enjoy your kiddos, enjoy your family, and enjoy worshipping the Lord daily- He is the giver of ALL good things!!!!! When the pace of life starts to quicken, remember this: just enjoy yourself!

YOU are SOOOOOO deserving. And, I want YOU to know that God sees your hard work. God sees your hard work and knows the passion in your heart. The Lord knows of the love in your heart for Him, your children, single parenting AND even single parent homeschooling. You are super impressive, sister! Stayed encouraged!!!!!!

Please take a moment to thank God for the blessings of motherhood. Please take another moment to thank God for the blessings of single parenthood. We all are so blessed in spite of the craziness that we constantly contend with! Hang tough! Never give up! The Lord will provide!

You all are my heroes! Have a blessed, beautiful day just like YOU!

And, please rest and relax!!!!! We all had a very, very, very busy weekend! We all need to rest and relax before resuming normalcy!

Love, blessings, and hugs


Dearest Sisters,
HAPPY Mother's Day MONDAY! You deserve an extra day! Smile!
I hope you all had wonderful, wonderful celebrations yesterday! Yay! Hooray! Don't let the laughter stop! Don't let the hugs and kisses stop! Don't let the love stop! Don't let the good times stop! Keep celebrating! Keep partying!
It's an honor and privilege to parent our kiddos. We may not always do everything perfectly but, with God's help, we get the job done. Keep parenting (and grandparenting), BY FAITH!!!!! There's REALLY no other successful way to do so.
Our kids will be kids. They are human just like us. Our lives and journeys will get "real" and very messy but our role as moms is to point our children back to Christ. Christ is our target; our bullseye.
Discipleship is parenting. And, parenting is discipleship. We raise our children in the Lord via relationship. Daily we model to our kids how to live as a Christian. And, through day-to-day, moment-by-moment interactions, we teach them how to follow Christ.
When Christ was developing his disciples, He used himself as the guide. He used his relationships with them to teach by example, interaction, and stories. The Lord's model is a timeless, classic.
By and large, our children will become us. I hope that's comforting to you because everyday you are replicating yourself. As Pastor Voddie Baucham says, "you can say ouch or AMEN!" Seek the Lord, He can help!
Sisters, please gather your kiddos around the table TODAY. Tell them a story about your life, particularly a story in which you were tested, overcame, and your faith in God was boosted. We lead by example, interaction, and story. Invest is your relationships with your kiddos. Relationship trumps any self-help kit, DVD, CD, or podcast on the market for mothering or discipling tips.
Happy Monday!
Love, blessings, and hugs

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Motherhood is under cultural attack.
Mothers are under spiritual attacks.
Fight back! 
Realign with God!
Resist the culture!
Rebuke the devil!
Reclaim what belongs to you- your F.A.M.I.L.Y.
Fight for your kids! Fight for your families! Fight for your homes! Fight for your husbands-to-be, and fight your new marriages!
Be available! Be present! Above all, be prayerful and purposeful!
The battle for souls is won in the home.....not any home but, YOUR home. And, the home is the mother's domain, YOUR domain. 
Keep your children and grandchildren coming back to YOUR kitchen table time and again for daily bread, both naturally and spiritually. Study the Bible together! Look them in their eyes! Tell them they're beautiful! Mirror a beautiful reflection back to them! Talk! Pray! Laugh! Hug! Cry together! Surrender secrets! Kiss wounds together! Forgive each other! Share stories! Mourn defeats and celebrate victories TOGETHER......around YOUR table.
You have influence, mom! Use it!
God never said anything about a "village" raising a child, especially not the village of 21st century America. And, especially NOT your child(ren)!
Fight forward!
You have the authority of God, in your "calling" of motherhood, to advance His kingdom in your home, with your children and grandchildren.
We have to walk in God's ways to recieve God's blessings!
Psalm 128: 1 KJV
I'm praying for US all.
Happy Mother's Day 2017!!!!!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to ALL of the sweet mamas in the blogosphere!
Love, blessings, and hugs!


Dearest beautiful, blessed mamas,


To the tune of Happy we go!
Happy Mother's Day to YOU,
Happy Mother's Day to YOU,
Happy Mother's Day to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU,
Happy Mother's Day to YOU! 
Yay! Hooray!
Happy Mothers's Day to you all! I pray that you all have blessed, beautiful celebrations!
I was encouraged by a speaker this weekend! He said, "parenting is hard but it's good. Parenting is good but it's hard." 
Sisters, we all KNOW that single parenting, and even single parent homeschooling, is hard. But, rest assure it's good. Some fruit, we will reap now. And, some fruit, we will reap later. Pursue the hard work; it is good!
There are very, very, very few truly good things that are not hard. Stay faithful! BE ENCOURAGED today!!!! 
YOU are awesome!
YOU are amazing!
YOU are worthy of celebration!
Keep pursing the hard work of single parenting, homeschooling, Christian discipleship, and nurturing family bonds. Keep pursuing the hard because IT IS GOOD!
God sees you. He will sustain you!
God bless you and yours!
Mother's Day blessings, love, and hugs to ALL!
Fight forward💛

Friday, May 12, 2017


Dearest beautiful mamas, HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!
When it storms, we seek shelter!
When we've had a rough day, we seek to crawl under our blankets!
When it's cold, we reach for a coat!
When we're exhausted or lonely, we desire a hug!
Shelter, blankets, coats, and hugs are ALL covers!!!
We were designed to NEED covering!!!!
God is our ultimate awesome and amazing covering, sweet mamas! The Lord covers us like a shelter, our favorite blanket, our comfy coat, and a warm hug. But, His covering is SO much more. Fortunately, the Lord's covering is supreme, divine, and all encompassing. He covers us completely: mind, body, and soul.
Run to God, His cover is all sufficient!
God is our all and all!
God can cover us through all seasons of our lives, through all our of days, and through all of our experiences, and emotions!!!! AMEN!
When it storms, seek Jesus!
When you've had a rough day, crawl under Jesus!
When it's cold, reach for Jesus!
When you're exhausted or lonely, desire Jesus!
From the Garden to the grave and from the grave to the Heavens, Jesus has been a loyal, faithful companion, a sustaining cover, and a crucified Lord.
Cover up, in the Lord! Yay! Hooray! I promise you a snug fit!
Have a GLORIOUS Mother's Day weekend!!!!
Love, blessings, and hugs to ALL

Thursday, May 11, 2017


HAPPY THURSDAY beautiful mamas!!
From left to right, Mom is mom.
From right to left, Mom is still JUST mom.
But, upside down, Mom is WOW!!!
NEVER forget your "wow" factor!!!! God built it in you!!!!
Remember, Adam called Eve, the mother of ALL, "woman."
Woman" is a sanitized spelling of "wowman."
I love America! A beautiful nation full of beautiful people that speak beautiful dialects. I imagine some man, somewhere is saying "wowman" right now! Beautiful!
We never forget that woman came from man. His rib to be exact. But, let's strive to never forget that we originated from wow too.
Thank you Lord for fearfully and wonderfully making us!
Here is the heart of the matter, dearest sister:
YOU are a Wonderful. Outstanding. Woman. WOW!
Believe in yourself because God believes in you.
Believe in yourself because your children see their reflections in you.
Believe in yourself because others always won't.
Believe in yourself because many will only believe about you what you believe about yourself.
Moms are so cool!
But, you're the coolest!
Have a GREAT day!
Love, blessings, and hugs to you and yours

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Deuteronomy 33:29 KJV
Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places.
Bad things fall apart so good things can happen!
Dearest Sisters,
We are just a few days away from Mother's Day!!! Yay! Hooray!
I wouldn't be opposed to ideas for Mother's WEEK or Mother's MONTH! LOL! How about MOTHER'S DAY twice a year??!! Sounds soooooo good! Haha!
All bantering aside, I pray that heartwarming, refreshing, and renewing plans await you all! Whatever you do in observance of Mother's Day and beyond, please do this: Enjoy the little things in life, for someday you will realize they were the big things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can't add enough exclamation points here......I could write a book based on this topic alone. Enough said. Moving on. AMEN! LOL)
HAPPY early MOTHER'S DAY to each of you!!!!!
YOU are awesome and amazing!!!
YOU radiate a beauty that was hard fought and won!!!!
YOU are perfectly capable, in Christ, to minister to your children during every season of their lives.
YOU have been blessed of God with a very, very, very, very special assignment. Every tool that you need to accomplish it, God has placed in you. Continue to walk worthy of your calling!
YOU are an incredible mom!!!!!!!
Ladies, I encourage you to trust God's ways and believe His wonders! Why is it easier to believe fairy tales than God's truths? Oh, help us Lord! Your promises and wonders are unfathomable, indescribable, and overwhelming. Overwhelm us with your love, oh God! Flood our hearts and homes with your amazing grace, peace that surpasses understanding, and mercies that are new everyday!
The Lord's ways are NOT our ways! The Lord's thoughts are NOT our thoughts! Just because we do NOT understand something does NOT mean that it does not make sense. Hence the Lord's admonition to us: Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart; and lean NOT to your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Sometimes, we are so quick to assess a situation and pass a verdict. We are quicker to acknowledge the good or bad aspects of a situation than God's supremacy and sovereignty in spite of _________. More often than not, our verdicts are not completely true because we formed them prematurely and with not enough information.
It's so tempting to label an experience "good" or "bad" but, be careful. God is always miraculously at work. What we deem as "good" or "bad" may be very unfitting as the story unfolds. Let's choose to acknowledge God! Let's choose to have Him direct our paths AND THOUGHTS!
Have you ever experienced a situation in which you lost all?
Have you experienced a situation wherein you thought you had something good but it was bad? Or he or she was bad for you yet you called "bad" good.
Loss is usually very painful. But, it is also a great foreshadow of something greater to come. Loss marks an end but also a new beginning.
Not everything that we hold so dear is worthy of our affection!
Be careful how you handle loss, whether real or perceived!
Be careful what you hold close to your heart! Somethings you hold close can get ahold of you and cost you your sanity, sensibility and "chispa" (Italian for spark).
You never know when loss may be incredibly helpful to set you free!
You never know when your loss will be followed by something great!
The children of Israel lost the familiarity of their captors and captivity when God rescued them from Egypt! Egypt was very, very bad for the children of Israel but, many of the Israelites grew comfortable and complacent in a bad situation.
Lukewarm is never good! (Revelation 3: 16).
Remember, where you are born is not always where God wants you to remain! Wherever you are most comfortable is not always where God wants you! Wherever you are right NOW, may not be where God wants you long term!
The Israelites' delivery from captivity was eventful and painful. However, freedom spurred them into a beautiful promise that was declared for them generations ago.
Bad things fall apart; good things can still happen!
Prior to entering the Promised Land, Joshua and the children of Israel, were commanded to utterly destroy all of the pagan kings and nations in the surrounding areas.
The Lord God gave the children of Israel a wonderful land inheritance but they had to drive out the pagan people before they could possess it.
Bad things fall apart; good things can still happen!
There are times when the Lord wants to do an entirely NEW thing in our lives. But, before He does the NEW thing, He will purge our lives of the old. Old desires and old thoughts are retired. Old problems are resolved. Old pain is healed. Old, unhealthy relationships are severed. Old surroundings are exchanged for new frontiers. The list goes on and on.
Purging is much like pruning. It's involves hard work! It involves great loss. It looks and feels painful! Yet, both are purposeful tasks that yield great gain!
Bad things are always bad and must come to an end. But, loss is not entirely bad!
What have you loss? Cry out to God! Trust Him! I dare you to believe that something great or greater lies ahead. Trust the Lord and lean NOT to your own understanding. Acknowledge the Lord throughout the pain and process of your loss. God WILL direct your paths!
As you travel the paths from defeat to victory, from bondage to freedom, from pain to promise, you will lose many things. But, count it all joy. Bad things happen! ALSO, bad things fall apart! Good things can still happen.
Love, blessings, and hugs to all

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Samuel 19: 4-5
4 And Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul his father, and said unto him, Let not the king sin against his servant, against David; because he hath not sinned against thee, and because his works have been to thee-ward very good:
5 For he did put his life in his hand, and slew the Philistine, and the Lord wrought a great salvation for all Israel: thou sawest it, and didst rejoice: wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood, to slay David without a cause?
Dearest Sisters,
We will face many trials and tribulations. But, we can confidently face these trials because Christ has overcome the world. Trials can make us weak, weary, frustrated, and teary. We can rest for a while. Yet, we must fight back in the Lord. Tears flowing and hearts aching, we press on. Father, help us! Please forgive our enemies because they know not what they do. 
It's so very hard to make sense of trials and attacks, especially when one has done no wrong. Assaults on innocent people always seem completely incomprehensible. 
The devil is like a roaring lion. He snarls! He growls! He flashes his teeth! He seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. But, the children of God are off limits to him.
David ministered on his harp unto King Saul when evil spirits vexed him. David defended Saul's kingship and territory by defeating the Philistines. David was King Saul's son-in-law and best friend of his son Jonathan.
David was obedient unto God. David was faithful to King Saul. Because of David's obedience and faithfulness, the Lord rewarded him. Instead of King Saul seeking after and obeying God, he sought rewards by his own hands. His ways failed. Instead of repenting, he became envious of David. Consequently, he sought to kill David rather than follow his wise example. 
David never harmed King Saul. But, as evil spirits tormented Saul because of his disobedience, his most faithful, loyal servant and son-in-law became the target of a vicious, blood thirsty, murder campaign. Terrible! 
The same evil spirits that tormented King Saul are tormenting ungodly people today. If your loved ones and friends turn on you, it's usually because of evil spirits. Spiritual warfare is 24/7 and it's dreadfully painful when Satan uses those closet to us against us. Sadly, we may lose loved ones and friends, but gratefully, the devil can't touch us because we are covered by the blood of Jesus! 
Time and again King Saul sought to kill David. But, time and again the Lord beautifully delivered David out of the hands of his enemy. 
Ladies, God never promised that our lives would be free of trials and tribulations. But, He promised to fight our battles! After we have done all that we can, we must stand and watch the Lord see us through. 
Psalms 91:4
“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” 
Love, blessings, and hugs to you and yours
Fight forward