Thursday, January 19, 2017


Psalm 103:17-18 KJV
17 But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;
18 To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

Dearest Ladies,

God is for you and yours!

Go, fight, win!

How many of you are fans of the "Wild, Wild West?" Is anyone excited by tales of Cowboys, Indians, Texas Rangers and Outlaws? What about stories of living on the Frontier? I am an enthusiast! Smile!

I am reading a book about life on the Oklahoma and Texas prairies, way before either area was incorporated into the U.S.A. The book is rather fascinating. It's historical and scientific insight is very incredible.

One chapter involved a pretty detailed description of a rattlesnake's death. In a nutshell, a rattlesnake can experience a very prolonged death. After receiving a death blow, active nerve endings can allow a severed rattler's head to continue executing biting motions. In fact, poison can still ooze from it's fangs and harm an unsuspecting victim. Also, the snake's body can persist in violent writhing long after it's been dismembered. From a distance, the dead snake could appear alive.

The illustrious tale of the rattlesnake's demise was very informative. I immediately thought of our ongoing engagement in spiritual warfare. My reflection was very fitting as Satan is known as a snake, dragon, lizard, serpent....

Ladies, Satan received His death blow when Jesus uttered, from the cross, "It is finished." In that miraculous, marvelous, majestic instance, death lost it's sting and power. Sin lost it's grip on humanity. And, ultimately, Satan was defeated.

Satan usurped the power of man in the Garden of Eden. But, on Calvary, God restored power and order for the Christian. When Christ returns, order will be restored to the world.

As Believers, we are members of God's family. We are citizens of a Heavenly Kingdom. We are redeemed and protected by the blood of Jesus. Satan has absolutely no power over us! Did you catch that Sisters????? SATAN HAS NOOOOOOO POWER OVER US!!!!!!!!!! Satan may have thought he won when our husbands left even after we prayed and fasted. Satan thought he won when the divorce decree was finalized, when we were uprooted from our homes and communities, and when we were cut off from resources. Satan thought he won when we were uncertain if we could live down the pain and shame of abandonment, when we cried day and night and sleep didn't come easy. Satan thought he won when our ex-husbands re-married or started dating again and we struggled once again with the sting of rejection and abandonment. Satan thought he won BUT, he is the biggest loser. If God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31).

Because we, as dual citizens, live on earth where Satan rules and reigns, til Judgement Day, we are daily affected by his presence. But, just like a dismembered snake, Satan is essentially powerless....TO US. He has succumbed to a death blow. His fate is sealed. He and his legions of demons will burn in hell for eternity. His followers too. They are toast! Satan has absolutely no power over Believers! NONE! NADA! ZERO! ZILCH! Yet, he attempts to taunt and torment us by flashing his fangs and wiping his tail. He proves to be scary and frightening at times BUT, he is powerless. Remember, Satan has no power over you! Satan will try to invade your thoughts and your heart. Sisters, submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee. We are survivors! We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus WHO LOVES US (Romans 8:37)!

Ladies, we must keep our eyes on the Lord who administered the death blow to Satan. We should not take our eyes off of Him. NOT. FOR. ONE. SECOND. Metaphorically speaking, "Satan is dying a slow, long death." He has been struck a deadly blow in which there is no recovery. But, he wants more victims. Ever heard, "misery likes company." Its true.

Satan wants to sink his poisonous fangs into any nearby person. He wants to coil his weakened tail around another and suffocate the breath of life from them. Satan does this by craftily lying to us just as he did to Eve. The devil wants to feed us lies about himself (remember, he is a liar. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy but he transforms himself into an angel of light in order to deceive many), God, and ourselves. The devil invests lots of time trying to destroy and dismantle our redeemed, restored, godly understanding of our past, our present, and our future. Sometimes he attacks us directly and other times he places wicked people in our lives.

The devil wants to cripple us by separating us from God and His truth. Someone once said, "a lie repeated often enough is often accepted as truth." The devil wants us to become unaware or forgetful of his weakened state; he wants to paralyze us with fear. Typically, it's Believers, us survivors, that fall prey to satan's fear tactics. It's classic for Christian survivors of divorce to forget our power in Christ Jesus and the weapons of our warfare. Has not the Lord already delivered us from so much pain and peril? We are victorious because of Christ; Satan has no power over us. Daily we must rise above satan's attacks and fear tactics. We are soldiers in the army of the Lord! If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31).

We must fear God and God alone. (NOTE: the term "fear" means to honor, respect and revere the Lord. God is love and He repels the dark, gruesome fear that delights Satan.) Our power to overcome satan's threats is derived from God. Let's continue to faithfully and humbly abide in the Lord. He is our hope and defense.

The Lord God is merciful to us. He has made a convent with us. He has promised to protect and provide for us and our kiddos. Remember the truths of God AND stand firm on them when Satan tries to torment you and yours with fear. God is for US!

Be strong and courageous in the Lord!

Love and New Year blessings


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