Saturday, January 21, 2017


Titus 2: 13-14 KJV

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Dearest Ladies,

God is good!!!! In fact, God is REALLY, REALLY good!

We are blessed beyond measure!!!! We are REALLY, REALLY blessed beyond measure!

Do you realize that some women actually lose their minds and their lives as a result of divorcement? The reality of divorce is dreadfully devastating. Divorce seems all the more agonizing, treacherous, and torturing among Christians. Sometimes we, as believers, allow ourselves to imagine that we are immune to some of the devastations of life in a fallen world. Truth is we live in a sin-marred world. Therefore, our life experiences can get downright yucky and messy. But, God makes all of the difference in our lives. The Lord told us to be of good cheer because He has already overcome the world.

If you are reading this post, BE ENCOURAGED!!!! You have survived a blow that could have ended your life and sanity. BUT, GOD kept and preserved your life, your sanity, and the lives of your darling kiddos. You are a champion! You are a warrior! You are a survivor! You are a conqueror! You are destined for great things. God will complete the GREAT work that He began in you while He knit you in your mother's womb. The devil is no match for God. And, divorce is certainly no match for God.

Sisters, wipe your tears and dry your eyes! YOU ARE ALIVE!!!!! WE ARE ALIVE!!!! We are miraculously alive. None of us can probably articulate all of the specifics of our stories but we can testify that GOD IS ABLE! And, deep down inside we know beyond a shadow of doubt that we couldn't have made it to today without God. Glory hallelujah!

 Fortunately, there is life in our bodies! There is fresh air in our lungs. God continually breathes life into the broken areas of our lives. We live day after day because He lives in us. Daily the Lord is regenerating our hearts and healing our damaged psyche. The Lord God is purging us of the traumatic memories that trigger stress and anxiety. The Lord God is healing our damaged emotion. The Lord is constantly at work repairing our state of consciousness. Renewal is underway. Every night that we cry ourselves to sleep or wrestle in beds listlessly, God is at work.

The script of our lives has already been written! God knew long before we did that Satan would try to ensnare us. God knew that our marriages would corrode and that our husbands would bail. God is never shocked nor surprised by anything that happens to us. But, He does require that we trust Him and rely on His strength and guidance to navigate marital disaster. The Lord doesn't shame, blame, or guilt us. Rather, the Lord wants to take our hands and lead us away from the rubble and debris of divorce and onward to rest, renewal, and restoration.

Because God rules and reigns, ANYTHING is possible!!!!! Because, we are alive, ANYTHING is possible!!!! Hold on to your faith in God!!! Keep hoping for the answers to your prayers!!!! Keep believing for God to make a way out of no way!!!! Impossibility is the key ingredient for miracles!!!!! TRUST GOD!!!

Dearest Sisters, you will NEED tremendous, big, giant, enormous hope to cope with the challenges post-divorce!!!! But, press on! You still have the all-important role of mommy!!! Your kiddos need YOU!!!! Regardless of what your ex made you think or feel as he departed, YOU ARE SPECIAL and YOUR KIDS NEED YOU!!!! Your kids still need you even though you may feel weary, raggedy, and beaten. In fact, you may feel no good. You may feel that God cannot use you any longer. Right now, you may be appear like a shell of your former self. It doesn't matter. If you believe that God cannot use you then you are sadly mistaken. God's grace is sufficient for us. The Lord is using you as you read this post. You are a divinely commissioned Mommy-In-Chief. Your kids need you just the way you are at this very moment.

Divorce does not demote you, NOT for even one second. 'Wife' and 'mother' are still honorable, godly roles. Divorces do not change history nor facts. Your husband's absence does not change that you were a wife and that you still remain a mother. Don't give up! Don't stop fighting! Your kiddos need you!

Your kiddos need you to reassure them that God is still good even when trials and tribulations arise. Your kiddos need you to demonstrate the power of faith in God. Your kiddos need to witness that prayer is effective and transformative. Your kiddos need to see and feel love even in the midst of unlovely circumstances. You are an instrument of God's grace, love, and mercy. God is using you every day and night to provide for and protect your kiddos. The Lord is also using you to pass on the great heritage of our Christian faith. Don't worry about how you feel! You are capable of this task and mission because God is for you. Struggle through this season! Cry through this season! Moan and groan through this season! Fast and pray through this season! But, understand that God has a purpose for this season. He is working ALL THINGS together for good for you and your kiddos.

Sooooooooo, don't settle for "no." Don't settle for "no way." Don't settle for "maybe." You will get through the difficulties of recovery and healing. You will parent with purpose. I am cheering for YOU!!! Stand firm on the promises of God. Become steadfast, unshakable, unrelenting, fixed, unmovable and anchored. BELIEVE the Bible. BELIEVE God! Keep hope alive!!!!!

HOPE changes everything!!! HOPE REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!!!! We NEED hope! Christ is our HOPE! Sisters, we must intentionally protect our hope. Satan will use people and situations to try and diminish our hope. Fight against the attacks. Rise above the assaults. Above all, remain hopeful. Consider the following hopeful histories from the Bible:

When Adam and Eve sinned, God promised a seed that would crush satan's head.

When the world was filled with vile wickedness, God promised to shelter Noah and his family in an ark during the flood.

When Abraham was old in age yet consistently faithful, God promised him a seed.

When the Children of Israel suffered as slaves in Egypt, the Lord promised a deliverer.

When the Children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, God promised them protection, provision and ultimately, a promised land.

Fast forward.....

In the face of foreign conquest and captivity of Jerusalem, God promised a Messiah.

Under tyrannical Roman rule, God promised the birth of a Savior.

During the corrupt, cruel and capricious reign of the Pharisees, Christ promised healing and deliverance of sins. He promised the kingdom of God.

On the eve of Christ's crucifixion and death, the son of God promised that He would return from the dead.

In the midst of the pain and sadness surrounding Christ's ascension into Heaven, He promised to return again.

Fast forward....

When divorce threatened to steal your life and sanity, God promised to restore and redeem you and your kiddos.

Sisters, there is no shortage of hope with God. He offered hope years ago. And, His children believed. God offers hope today. I pray that we believe. We MUST keep our hope in God!!!! We MUST believe His promises. GLORY TO GOD!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!

God doesn't leave us alone in desperate situations!!!! The Lord God is faithful to deliver us. Even more, He offers hope in the midst of troubling situations. His sign(s) of hope encourages us to hold on til redemption is complete!!!!!! Charge ahead with hope Ladies!!! Cheers to the hope of God in 2017!!!!

Love and New Year blessings


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