Monday, April 17, 2017


Matthew 27:51 KJV
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.
Dearest Sisters,
It's been so wonderful going through the tasks of the day while also soaking in the wonder and goodness of God's incredible love toward us. Praise the Lord Jesus for being our access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus Christ is our Lord, Savior, brother, and agent of access. He is amazing!!!!!
Have you ever been to concert? Have you ever wanted to go backstage to the see your favorite entertainer? Have you ever wanted to shake hands or hug the performer? Maybe you were not allowed certain privileges because you couldn't afford a backstage pass or perhaps money was no object. Maybe you couldn't get one-on-one time with your top artist because you were "just" another fan. What a pity! So, like everyone else, you settled for a glimpse of your top artist from a crowded arena.
Have your ever visited Washington D. C.? Have you ever drove or rode by the White House? Have you toured the White House? Did the thought ever cross your mind that you would really, really, really like to have a quick chat with Mr. President in the Oval Office. Perhaps you approached a Secret Service Agent and informed him that you were a law abiding, upstanding, tax paying citizen and that you wanted a word with the president. Did that work? Did your credibility get you an appointment with the president?
Have you ever traveled to London? Did you get to visit Buckingham Palace? Did you petition the Queen's Guard for entry into the palace? Or, did you call Will or Kate on speed dial to set up tea with Her Highness? Or perhaps, did you walk right up to the Palace gate and walk in unescorted? I'm sure the Queen was delighted to see you, right?
There are countless examples of people that we know, those that we have become very fond of, folks that we esteem and admire, those that we have allowed a place in our hearts and homes but, ironically those same folks have no clue that we actually exist or that we would tremendously appreciate a few potentially life-changing moments of their time. Some people spend a lifetime adoring, admiring, and sometimes obsessing over people that they have no access to whatsoever. Far worse than obsessing over celebrities and nobility, is the devout, rigid worship of those in pagan religions that have no true access to their enshrined idols.
Sisters, WE ARE SOOOOOOOO FORTUNATE!!!!! We have the unconditional love of God and total access to Him. Only God could ever see us as unworthy or worthless but, He died for us because to Him, we are worthy. The Lord doesn't treat us like just another person, follower, servant, or fan. Each of us is the apple of God's eye. We are individually and collectively important to Him. Never, ever give a person your time or space if they think any less of you than the King of Kings. You are worthy, wonderful, and waaaaaay awesome.
Because Jesus died on the cross for us, we have total access to God. As Jesus uttered, "It is finished," as He hung on the cross, the veil in the temple that cloaked the Holy of Holies was torn in two. The ripped veil symbolized a new reality. God's children no longer needed an earthly high priest to make atonement for sins or to access God. Jesus was both our sacrificial lamb and our High Priest. We are ushered into the fullness of joy, found only in God's presence, because of Jesus. Fortunately, we can go right to the throne of God without a human escort or intermediary. We do not need advance reservation/ permission or impossible security clearances.
It is an incredible, phenomenal, indescribable privilege and honor to have special access to the God of ALL. Not everyone can enter the presence of God. It is only through Jesus Christ that we or anyone else can experience total and full access to the throne room of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. 
Sisters, we are privileged. We are VIP. We are royalty. Walk like you know that you have total access to the magnificent, majestic, marvelous God of the universe. Walk like you are a princess; you are nothing less. 
You have TOTAL ACCESS to God!!!!
Remember, ALL things are possible with God!!!!
Your access to God is better than having the key to any city in the world!!! 
You are well-connected!!!! Rely on the Lord to provide for you and yours!!!!
Love and blessings

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