Thursday, January 19, 2017


Psalm 107:6 KJV
Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

Dearest Ladies,

I encourage you all to read Psalm 107! It's an amazing passage. It's literally a portion of God's resume. The Psalmist itemizes acts of the Lord's goodness toward His children. Reading Psalm 107 will really bless you! Check it out; it is so encouraging. If you ever need convincing that God is for YOU, then look no further than Psalm 107.

One obvious discovery in the Psalm is the following refrain: "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses." This refrain is repeated several times throughout the passage. Any survey study of the Bible reveals that repetition equates to a very, very special emphasis. Repetition is the literary equivalent of underlining, highlighting, typing in ALL CAPS, or even bolding the font. ALL of the Bible is for our edification (2 Timothy 3: 16-17). Yet, I think of a repeated passage as the proverbial cherry on the cake.

Like the Children of Israel, time and time again, we find ourselves in circumstances and situations that we CANNOT bear alone. (Hint, hint: divorce and its aftermath). These particular situations are those that we CANNOT resolve with our own resources, intellect, and wit. We try as BEST as we can to remedy some matters and sometimes we quickly realize that our BEST won't cut it. It is then and ONLY THEN that we derive deeper and greater revelations of the Lord our God.

Divorce is DEFINITELY one of those situations that we CANNOT bear alone. And, the road to healing is beyond our human power. We cannot simply 'will ourselves well', although learned traits of resilience are helpful. Divorce is a huge, devastating blow to our existence. ONLY GOD can revive us.

Dearest Sisters, divorce leaves us bruised, battered, and bewildered. The depression and despair can even lead to physical ailments such as psychosomatic and autoimmune complications. We NEED Jesus ALONE to heal our minds and bodies post- divorce. The Lord can reduce and eliminate our anxiety and stress. He can rescue us from post-traumatic stress. His balm of Gilead is the perfect remedy for ALL of our wounds. Let's trust the Lord, our healer, to restore us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

We were created with limitations. Our parameters of operation are intentional. By design, we are finite creatures. The Lord God wants us to cry out to Him when we are in trouble. He doesn't want us to haughtily figure out everything on our own. Nor does He want us to reject His care and provision like the prodigal son. Instead, it is the Lord's great pleasure to deliver us out of our distresses. The Lord is our loving father. He wants to be consulted; the Lord wants the first SOS call as we are journeying through life post-divorce. He knows that healing is not linear or quick. God knows that healing is likened to a dance. Sometimes we take two steps forward and then two steps back. The Lord is gentle and loving. He cares about us during the healing process. He loves us through the process. The Lord is just as interested in the process as the product.

We can rely on the Lord and He wants it no other way. Our dependence on God is essential; it is necessary. Our dependence on God increases our desire for a close, enduring relationship. The Lord is our safe haven. Let's run to Him and hide there.

Dearest Sisters, cry out to the Lord. Verbalize your troubles. Pray without ceasing! Stand firm on your convictions! The Lord is faithful and just to deliver you and yours from all distresses. Glory hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Go, fight, win!

God is for you and yours!

Love and New Year blessings


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