And [Jesus] arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
.....Sisters, when storms hit, talk to the one that can talk to storms.
Dearest Ladies,
HAPPY MONDAY!!! I hope you and yours are well! Remember, God is using everything in your life for good!!! God is doing a special, unique, different-kind-of miracle for you. God hears all of your prayers. God will answer your prayers. But, perhaps He is up to something that is different from your prayers. The Lord knows your needs; never doubt His faithful provision. Just live outside the box. Stay open and receptive to the Lord's leading and His miraculous, creative, majestic way of supplying your needs.
Often we pray based on the parade view of life that we have but fortunately God sees all. He answers our prayers based on the Heavenly view that He has of our lives and everything else. Let's trust God and His process!
Ladies, someone once said that your faith and will is tested when everything happens all at once and also when it seems that nothing happens at all. If you're in a season of bustling activity and lots of change or one of relative dormancy, don't despair! God is using all things in your life for good---for His good and for your good. Trust God! Trust His process!
Sisters, when storms hit, it's so easy and tempting to disengage from the adventure called life. Please don't disengage. Live on! Fight forward! Calm seas never made great sailors. Sad but true, storms challenge us then improve us.
I implore us all to cling closely to the ONLY wise, loving, and compassionate Lord that can walk on water and speak to storms. We REALLY need God when storms hit and rightfully so. We are blessed to serve a God that commands obedience from storms, winds, and raging seas. Similarly, trials, circumstances, and tribulations are subject to our Lord's power, rule, and reign. Trust the Lord! Trust His processes!
God doesn't cause the storms that we face but He can certainly use storms and their outcome for our good. The Lord can use storms to strengthen, encourage, inspire, and even direct us. In the case of Jonah, God allowed a storm to keep Jonah from going to a place where he shouldn't have gone. Like a GPS, the storm helped to re-calculate Jonah's journey and ultimately, his destination. Jonah eventually arrived at God's intended place for Him.
Ladies, I remind us again that our perception is based on a parade view/ vantage point. Be careful and gentle with yourself because you can't see all and you don't know all. BUT, praise the Lord, God sees all and knows all. Many times we don't understand the paths that our lives take because of our limited understanding and minuscule view point. So, it's very important that we surrender and submit to God. He has the knowledge and power to navigate us through every storm.
During storms, literally and metaphorically speaking, visibility can be really bad. If outdoors, we cannot see more than a yard or so away. Sometimes our perception from a window is even more so blurred because of heavy rain that beats against the glass and thus obscures our view. It becomes harder to make decisions, mid-storm, because of our lack of vision and insight. So, often we have to rely on television or radio updates from experts that can observe and chart storms with the assistance of satellites and other technology. Because of the experts' view of storms, they can recommend safety precautions to take, including the need to evacuate or not. Essentially, a correct view of a storm is half the battle in knowing how to engage it. Typically, we cannot see our personal storms in their entirety and we also erroneously use mental, emotional, religious, and intellectual filters in an attempt to understand our storms. With wrong vision, we can minimize our effectiveness in weathering a storm. We must rely on God.
Dearest Ladies, God sits upon the circle of the earth. He can clearly see the storms of life that blow in and out of our paths. The Lord can see the end of the storm from the beginning; and all of the nuances in between. Post-divorce we will encounter many storms: financial, emotional, mental, and spiritual etc. We will have to fight through and endure several storms before we get to a new normal. Therefore, it is so wise and daring of us to trust God to speak to and silence our storms or to walk us through the storms. When we walk with God through a storm, we can delight in walking on top of the storm. When we walk on top of the storm, we are protected from dying in the storm. God shields us so we don't drown or despair.
After the Hebrew boys were subjected to a fiery furnace, they smelled of smoke but were not burned. Likewise, storms wet and wrinkle our skin, but they don't kill us. We benefit from God's supernatural buoyancy. Our survivorship and resilience, during and after a storm, is authored by the One who can talk to storms. No matter what type or size of storm that you are facing today, take courage! Lean on God! Trust Him! And, the Lord will victoriously see you through.
Love and blessings
Isaiah 40:22 KJV
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
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