Ecclesiastes 3:11 KJV
11 [God] hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
Dearest Ladies:
As the New Year wears on, I encourage us all to SLOW DOWN. Typically, many start the year with high-octane energy and gusto. Hopes are high and resolution lists are long. Once midnight strikes, the masses bolt into the New Year with lightening speed.... ready to tackle all challenges, conquer all foes and achieve all goals ALL-AT-ONCE. But, in the shadowy aftermath of parties, fireworks, fun and pizzazz, the daunting weight of busyness and unfulfillment descends with the acuteness of suffocation. Without Jesus, joy, hope and practicality, 2017 resolutions turn into rigid, oppressive routines. Unnecessary anxiety and stress can result. I think there is a much better way to cruise in and through the New Year!
I highly recommend patience and gentleness with yourself, especially concerning the ongoing process of healing post-divorce. Do NOT suffer through the dubious regime of too quickly becoming a NEW YOU in the NEW YEAR! Rather, SLOW DOWN!!!! Try and listen to the OLD YOU! Understand and compassionately sympathize with the OLD YOU. Itemize your hurts and wounds from the divorcement. Assess your needs; differentiate them from your wants. Ask God for wisdom! Pray about the new course you are charting. Then, make practical, gradual, small changes. Before you know it, you will become a NEW YOU but without the stress and anxiety.
Many times we rob ourselves of the myriad small joys of life because we rush past the good that is happening around us. Healing is good for us; NOT rushing. Oftentimes we rob ourselves of the peace and calm that comes from making meaning of our suffering. We cannot understand nor grow from our painful experiences if we try to rush our healing. We have to slow down! Healing is a process! Sometimes the healing journey is long, painful, and lonely but it's a very necessary process.
In the midst of trials and tribulations, goodness existed because of God. Someone once said, "The good is no less real than the bad, so why not focus on it." Well, during storms, many factors are at play that can distract us from noticing God's goodness. But, one of the blessings of survivorship is the opportunity to STOP! When we STOP, we can focus on the good! We can re-focus on God. Sure, we can assess the damage! But, gratefully we can assess all that which God delivered us from too. The Lord is so good, gracious, and merciful to us. We could not have endured the storm of divorce without God. In the aftermath, we must slow down to heal and THANK GOD. Ladies, SLOW DOWN!!! Enjoy the journey.
Several years ago, I was blessed to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Our native guide had ONLY one requirement for our odyssey. He repeated over and over again---"polepole, polepole." Simply translated, we were told to ascend the mountain, "slowly, slowly." In a breathtaking, exhilarating fashion, a climber can experience all four seasons during a hike up Mt. Kili. It's an once-in-a-lifetime experience.....
At every milestone, we were beckoned to stop and rest. No one was allowed to rush ahead of the group. We were invited to sit, cat nap or leisurely stroll at each milepost. We all were inclined to marvel at the beautiful mountainous surroundings as our bodies adjusted to new and varying elevations, temperatures, sights, sounds and wonders. Everything was done slowly, slowly on that ancient peak.
But, then again, the way of life in East Africa is "polepole, polepole." Time is measured by events, encounters, and moments shared. Time is not linear. The natives are not enslaved by time. Instead of rushing to keep up with time, time follows the beat, rhythm and cadence of personal, family and community activities.
Although, we live in a hurried, busy society, try to carve out some personal time to simply unwind and operate in slow motion. Don't coast through the New Year on autopilot. SLOW DOWN for healing's sake. SLOW DOWN to commune with God. SLOW DOWN to focus on the small joys. Don't be too busy to be happy, joyful or grateful; too many Americans just exist. Sometimes trauma is a factor and other times it is not. As survivors, we must strive to move past mere existence. We've already done that. I encourage us all to LIVE WELL. I challenge us all to spot the small joys nestled in our days; usually they are missed due to routine busyness. SLOW DOWN!!! Relax!!!! Do not worry! God is in control! The Lord has proven His faithfulness time and time again. He is worthy of our trust. Remember, God will make everything beautiful in His own timing; we cannot get ahead of God. I pray that you and yours live well today.
Love and blessings
I would love to see pictures of your ascent up Kilimanjaro! How fascinating!