Thursday, January 19, 2017


Sometimes it rains. Sometimes it's a light rain and sometimes it's a heavy rain. Sometimes when it rains, it pours. Going through marital decay, separation, and divorce can seem like a long, vicious, unforgiving rainstorm.

Have you experienced a tornado? How about a hurricane? Tornados are often unpredictable and tricky whereas hurricanes can be pinpointed and even tracked. Tornados destroy everything in its direct path; hurricanes devour expansive amounts within its scope. Nevertheless, both storm systems can release unthinkable amounts of rainfall in minutes or less. The rain can be loud, hard-hitting, and quick.

In the midst of the rainstorm, time seems to stand still. Life seems to cease or come to a halt. Darkness overwhelms the horizon. The hand of God seems to be distant or absent. It's so easy to forget that storms blow in and blow out. It seems like storms last a lifetime and consume everything in its reach. The rain seems to last forever. Divorce and the aftermath is much like a long raging storm.

Fortunately, no storm lasts forever, not even divorcement and the pain that it causes. BE ENCOURAGED!!!!! Divorce doesn't last forever. Although, it's wretched tentacles are far-reaching and tormenting, the grip of torment, pain, depression, and oppression doesn't last forever. Healing is a long, slow journey but it's welcome to you.

God promises to never leave us nor forsake us! The Lord NEVER fails! Take Him at His word! Jesus will walk with you through divorcement and beyond. Your steps are already ordered. His word is a light unto your path. I also want to come alongside you and encourage you on the journey of renewal and redemption. I want to inspire and encourage you to persevere and to be resilient.

Oftentimes, Christians are unprepared for spiritual warfare in their homes and marriages. I was unprepared. I was in denial for a while. I didn't know who to turn to for help. Although, the rates of divorce are nearly equal for Christians and non-Christians, it remains a challenge for Christian survivors of divorce to get the help, care, love and support they need. I want to move beyond the shame and stigma and reflect the light and love of God to survivors. I want to minister to the broken, weary, hopeless hearts of survivors. YOU are NOT your divorce! YOU are NOT at fault for your divorce! YOU are not condemned and forsaken! YOU are not exempt from the benefits of God's grace and mercies which are new everyday.

The sun is just beyond every curtain of rain just as healing is within reach for those that have suffered through the difficulties of divorce. No matter where you are on your journey, just remember the sun shines after the rain. In fact, the sun shines brightly after the storm. Do not lose hope! The sun will shine again.

If you've ever traveled to the Tropics, you might recall that it always rains and the sun always shines. And, sometimes it rains as the sun shines. But, no matter what, the sun shines after the rain.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the scripture in Isaiah about how he goes with us!
