Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Dearest Sisters,
HAPPY WEDNESDAY, Major Moms!!!! Read on...
Sometimes, protecting our children isn't a matter of righteousness or wickedness, good or evil. Many times protecting our children involves little decisions that have big impacts. I argue that it's easier to choose between right and wrong. But, we are living in a time wherein the lines are quickly, trickily blurring. The parenting challenge is choosing between two "rights." Oh Lord, help us to wisely choose between right and almost right. Father God, please help us to understand and unapologetically defend the truth that what's good for everyone else's kids is not always good for our kids. In Jesus' name, AMEN!
Sisters, our job is to never give our children too much freedom or too many "rights" or liberties before they are spiritually mature or responsible enough to handle such privileges. Our homes are boot camps or training grounds. Hence, "train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22: 6 KJV). It is our duty to train our children for life beyond our homes. You are Major Mom; embrace it! Smile!
Our children will only get to "lose" their innocence ONE time. Hopefully, it occurs right before entering into adulthood and not a minute sooner. Childhood was meant to be enjoyed as a child and with child-like faith, fun, and fabulousness. Sadly, too many kiddos are losing their innocence too fast and too soon. Oh where, oh where, are the guardians of their eyes, ears and hearts?! Who is standing the watch? Who is defending the defenseless? Who is protecting the precious and "pure?"
Usually innocence isn't lost after ONE decision but, rather it's a series of decisions and choices that gradually chip away at innocence. Exposure, exposure, exposure to certain things at the wrong time lends itself to a diminishing innocence. We have to protect our children's innocence and purity. We MUST guard their purity and their innocence.....Purity of the child belongs to the parent. It is ours to defend and protect. We are God's stewards. We have to daily communicate to our children their worth and our mission to defend them at all costs. 
When our kiddos are young, we nearly single-handedly protect them but as they grow we need their participation to protect their honor, purity, and definitely virginity. We can keep our children sexual pure until marriage. It's doable. But, it's a family act. Let's train them up in the Lord! Some things, once given away can never be taken back. Our actions can not be undone once they are done (think of Eve eating the forbidden fruit. She was wrongly enlightened and she could not turn back the hands of time after she became aware of her mistake. What was done was done. Although God had a remedy, Eve's decision was consequential.) Let's partner with God to make sure our kiddos are trained in a godly fashion. We must pray hardest when it's hardest to pray!
As moms, we have to determine the appropriateness of things that our kiddos want for themselves or even things that we may want for them. Some things are good in one season and bad in another. We must daily seek God for wisdom and discernment as it relates to parenting our kiddos. We need God to help us make wise decisions for our children. And, eventually we need God's help to teach our children how to make wise decisions for themselves. We are "called" to train our children. If we become friends later in life that's great. But, friendship goals should never compromise our roles as mothers and trainers. 
At some point, it will not be wise to give or deny our children something without an explanation of our decision making process. "No" and "yes" answers are great for young children but, as our children grow we have to explain ourselves and cultivate godly decision making in them. The end goal is amazing. We want to make disciples of Christ, and for Christ, that can make godly decisions for themselves when they are in our presence and when they are away from us. Father God, please lead and guide us everyday in this humongous, yet humbling and honoring task.
Everyday we have the wonderful privilege of demonstrating to our children the power of decisions and the power of consequences/ rewards. Everyday they get to see how we respond to a pagan culture, peer pressure, and doubters/ naysayers. Let's strive to walk in God's ways. There is a wonderful, multi-generational blessing in store for walking in the Lord's ways before our children. 
Remember, everyday we are replicating ourselves. By and large, our children will become us. Some decisions are easy and some are hard. Stand on those hard decisions. Your children will thank you later. You're doing a great job, Mom! Keep up the awesome work! BE ENCOURAGED!
Psalm 128:1- 2 KJV Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. 
Happy mothering!

Happy training!
Happy parenting!
Love, blessings, and hugs


  1. I love what you said here: "Usually innocence isn't lost after ONE decision but, rather it's a series of decisions and choices that gradually chip away at innocence. Exposure, exposure, exposure to certain things at the wrong time lends itself to a diminishing innocence. We have to protect our children's innocence and purity."
    This is so true and sadly many children are being parented by media because mothers and fathers simply don't pay attention to the messages that their children are being fed. It is gradual, like you said. And by the time the damage is evident, it will be too late to change it.
    I also love your point that as parents it is our job to "cultivate Godly decision making".
    Yes and Amen!

    1. Stephanie, bless your heart! Your feedback is spot on. So many parents has outsourced their influence to the media. Sadly, the media is shaping young minds and hearts, even in Christian homes. I pray that a revival would be sparked all over the nation. It's past time that dads and moms fight for their homes, marriages, family, and kiddos. The world can't give children, especially our children, the things that God requires of us to give them. Jesus gives life and Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Oh, I pray that the hearts of parents are turned to God who alone is able to heal and restore families and lead the way in discipleship. God has granted the church a reprieve. I pray that Christians use it wisely. Thanks for chiming in, sister. Love, blessings, and hugs to you and yours.

  2. Yes, Yes, Yes!! Our children are precious gifts that we've been given, and we are to steward them well. This may mean making counter-cultural or unpopular decisions. You are absolutely right. We can protect our children's innocence, and we must be mindful and watchful of the things that we allow to influence our children. And our children can maintain their purity until marriage. It starts with a decision to maintain purity before they are involved in a relationship. I am pleased to say my son and his fiancée both committed themselves to purity as they prepare themselves for marriage.


    1. Dearest Misty, I am so happy for your son's graduation and imminent marriage. I'm delighted to learn that he and his fiancé are courting and eventually marrying God's way. I am blessed to learn of yet another godly example. The media tries to convince Christians, especially Christian youth, that God's ways are outdated, uncool, and impossible. I'm so glad for parents that turn off and tune out the media and unapologetically stand on the promises of God. I'm grateful that God will never leave nor forsake the godly parent that makes counter-cultural decisions in the name of God. Oh, I pray that Christian parents would wake up and tenaciously fight for their children's purity and innocence. Congrats again on all of the wonderful things happening in your life and your kiddos' lives. May the Lord continue to bless you as you walk in His ways. Hugs!
