Friday, May 26, 2017


Psalm 116:17-19 KJV
17 I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord.
18 I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people.
19 In the courts of the Lord's house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord.
Dearest Sisters,
I'm praying for you and yours!
I'm cheering for you and yours!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the graduates among us!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the kiddos that have been awarded, ribboned, and decorated with trophies in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments!
CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of our kiddos that worked hard this year, and that made progress- both obvious, expected progress, and subtle, surprise progress made through "blood, sweat, and tears." ALL of our kiddos' progress is newspaper- and brag- worthy! Glory to God!
Can I nominate each parent as PARENT OF THE YEAR in their respective home? TOO LATE, I already did. LOL! YOU were nominated, and won!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to all parents in our fellowship. YOU are PARENT OF THE YEAR in your home! Yay! Hooray! Lord God, please continue to bless and favor single parents and their children, AMEN!
Keep up the GREAT work, kiddos!
Keep up the GREAT work, beautiful mamas!
Just a few days shy of Memorial Day, I want to remind you all that God enjoys, in fact, He loves memorials and remembrance.
As you celebrate, or prepare to celebrate, your kiddos' successes and your family's successes, REMEMBER the Author of those successes.
Can you pinpoint a time or place over the course of the past year, when you or your kiddo (s) was tested beyond your comfort? Can you recall being challenged to trust God to see you through? How about the time you felt sure that you or your kiddo would throw in the towel: quit A, because of B, and moreover, because you couldn't "see" C possibly transpiring.
But, because of God's faithfulness, you (all) didn't give up! You remained strong in the Lord. I imagine that you took comfort in knowing the following truism: although I am unsure of what God's faithfulness looks like from time to time or place to place, I rest assure that He is faithful.

Sisters, I imagine that you and your kiddo(s) had to offer the Lord a sacrifice of thanksgiving!
To sacrifice is to surrender or to incur a loss of something prized for the sake of a higher claim (dictionary).
Dearly Beloved, it's relatively easy to thank the Lord when life is going great. But, it's a whole other matter to offer thanks to the Lord from a state of anguish, pain, irritation, vexation, exhaustion, or hopelessness.
Yet, every overcomer, survivor, winner, and champion knows the importance of sacrifice. Each victor could probably recall entering a "race" and also, encountering a hurdle. I imagine they know all to well "the moment" wherein they had to muster strength from waaaay down deep in order to thank God in spite of the hurdle. Though, it's hard to thank Him when the journey gets tough, thankfulness is a catalyst for change.
Thanksgiving is a divine weapon; its glorifies God and edifies us. Thanking God, in our weakness, miraculously strengthens us and spurs us along. Offering thanks to God can lift a runner over a hurdle.
Corrie Ten Boom and her sister, Betsy were imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp. Their barracks were full of fleas. Although they were covered in flea bites and irritated from head to toe, the Lord invited them to thank Him for the fleas. It was incredibly hard to thank God when they were homesick, miserable, and surrounded by extreme suffering. But, the sisters found the faith and courage, to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God.
Their sacrifice helped them to focus their attention on God, not themselves. Their sacrifice also helped them to realize how God used the thing (the fleas) that greatly antagonized them for their good. Because of the fleas in the barracks, the Nazi guards avoided them, thus allowing them to teach God's Word, praise Him, and share the Gospel with other prisoners.
Sisters, I encourage you to gather your kiddos around the table for a memorial. Remind everyone of God's faithfulness. Remind everyone of a sacrifice of thanksgiving offered to the Lord. Recall God's unfailing love to you and yours! Bask in the joys and wonders of His goodness.
Often, it's hardest to pray when we need to pray the hardest.
Often, it's hardest to praise and thank God when we need to praise and thank Him most.
Our Heavenly Father commands us to offer Him a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Remember, the Lord notices your sacrifices of thanksgiving. He will reward your obedience.
Have a wonderful day AND a memorable Memorial Day weekend!
Love, blessings, and hugs to all

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