Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Hebrews 12:1-3 KJV
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
While living in Alaska, I took Russian Folk Dance lessons. I enjoyed practicing and practicing and then, finally performing at a show or competition. 
En route to competition, my fellow dance team members and I would be full of excitement and confidence. 
But, moments later AND just before a performance, doubt and dreariness would attempt to distract and derail us. 
We often looked around and sized up other troupes. We soon began the daunting task of making comparisons between ourselves and others. 
We had come too far to start questioning if we were truly ready.
We vainly tried to draw conclusions about other performers based on superficial observations. 
Wrongful comparisons can be maddening! 
In a flash, our team was announced; it was show time. At that moment, all cares and comparisons were drowned out by the demand of the performance. 
The adrenaline rush began!
We proceeded to the dance square and danced to our hearts' content. 
After our routine was finished, we raced into an applauding crowd full of giggles. It didn't matter how we placed or if we placed, we all were just grateful for the opportunity to dance AND to dance together. 
We were proud of the fruit of our hard work. The sense of accomplishment that enveloped us after a show was gratifying! And, in spite of all odds, we just kept dancing! Doubt and discouragement would surface but, the best remedy then and now remains: just keep dancing. 
Dearest Sisters,
We all are running the Christian race! Trials and tribulations will arise! Doubt and dreariness will attempt to invade our thoughts. If we faint not, we will receive a reward. 
I pray that God sprinkles abundant blessings and miracles in your life to remind you of the worthwhile race that you're running. 
The Lord's mercies are new everyday. His faithfulness is guaranteed. Because of the Lord, we are not consumed! 
God will send joys to you at various benchmarks/ milestones on your race to keep you encouraged, to remind you that He is proud of you, and to repeatedly confirm that running the Christian race is ultimately satisfying , in spite of the costs and sacrifices, because it keeps us in the center of God's will, purpose, and plan.
Everyday, we train hard for life by praying, studying the Word of God, and worshipping the Lord. We will have countless opportunities to apply God's word and live out our faith. Let's not shirk back when it's showtime. Let's ignore Satan's lies. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!
Our goal is to live unto God as He is our standard. Live on fire for God; lukewarm won't suffice. No matter what, don't turn back! Don't stop running! When you trip, fall, or get tackled by the trials and tribulations of life, the best remedy then and now remains: get back up and KEEP RUNNING! No hurdle is insurmountable with God! KEEP RUNNING! 
The school year is nearly over! Fight hard against end-of-year frustrations and aggravations. You have run beautifully this year! You and your kiddos have run well! The finish line is in view! Don't give up! KEEP RUNNING!
Love, blessings, hugs to all

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