Tuesday, February 7, 2017


"But if the storms don't cease,
and if the wind keeps on blowing,
my soul has been anchored in the Lord."  ~My Soul is Anchored

Hebrews 6:19
"Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;”

Good morning dearest Ladies,


 I hope that you and yours are well. Welcome to the dawn of a new day! Cheers to a promising and productive day!

An old African proverb states, "it doesn't matter if you're a lion or a gazelle, you better start running when the sun comes up." Run on sisters! Fight forward! We have much to accomplish!

I encourage us all to fiercely cling to God now and always. I pray that we all tenaciously hold firm onto our hope and faith in God. Hang tough!

The storms of life will rage around us. Sometimes storms will threaten to rage in us. But, we must press on.

Like Daniel, who was tossed in the lion's den, we must fight forward. We must walk through life trusting that God is with us and believing that He will deliver us. But, we must engage the storm and walk through it even when God's deliverance doesn't preclude us from danger.

We must walk through life even if the storms don't cease and the winds keep on blowing!!!!!

Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, whom were tossed in the fiery furnace, we must approach storms with that the mindset that even if God doesn't spare our lives, we will serve Him through the storm. In fact, we will serve Him always because our souls are anchored in Him.

Our allegiance to God helps us to walk through storms. It also influences 'how' we walk through storms. We can always endure storms with hope because our God walks with us regardless of the outcome. We are reassured that God works ALL things, even storms, together for good.

We must walk through life even if the storms don't cease and the winds keep blowing!!!!

Our souls are anchored in the Lord sisters!!!!!!

God holds our future! He holds our tomorrow!!! We can fight forward with hope! Divorce is not the end; it's just another NEW beginning.

I'm proud of YOU!!!

I'm praying for YOU!!!

I'm cheering for YOU!!!!

Love and blessings


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