Thursday, February 2, 2017


Exodus 4:10-12 KJV
10 And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.
11 And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord?
12 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.

Dearest Ladies,


I pray that you and yours have a promising and productive day.

I'm praying for you and yours!

I'm cheering for you and yours!

Sisters, God has commissioned us to parent our kiddos. The day the Lord knit a child in our wombs, our journeys began. God knew before He commissioned us as moms that we would face enormous giants, terrifying enemies, excruciating obstacles, and crushing setbacks. The Lord knew all along what was up ahead. And yet, He still chose us because He knew that He would qualify and equips us for every battle.

God created our children's unique personalities, preferences, styles, and quirks. He knew of our children's needs before we did. He knew that our beautiful children needed a special mother that was uniquely formulated to embrace their individualities and to encourage them to maximize their potential. The Lord God set love in hearts as life was growing in our wombs. Not only were we called to Mommyhood, we were specifically made for it. Never doubt God's plan.

The Lord knew that single parenthood was up ahead. He knew the grief, despair, and depressed moods that we would experience when our husbands declared that they would no longer participate in the day-to-day parenting of our kiddos. God knew that our hearts and minds would swell with fear, anxiety, worry, and frustration. The Lord knew that we would struggle with bouts of lethargy, fatigue, insomnia, and strange illnesses and physical attacks. The Lord knew that we didn't think we could face down the terror and move forward. The Lord knew.....

The Lord knew that we would lose or give up jobs, careers, educational opportunities, comfort, convenience, money, lengthy vacations family members, friends, relationships, loved ones, marriages, houses, homes, and other fringe benefits on our order to remain committed and available to our children. Likewise, the Lord also knew that we would have to take on the new burden of jobs, careers, and additional schooling in order to make ends meet in our new role as sole breadwinner. The Lord knew that we would go through storms that would make us question our abilities and fortitude to parent alone. God also saw that we would struggle with faith and sometimes our sanity. The Lord knew that trials and tribulations would come that would cause us to take inventory of our resources and then doubt that we were able to financially underwrite our single parent endeavors. The Lord knew this ALL. Yet, He still handpicked us. He still chose us. The Lord chooses us EVERYDAY. The Lord knew....

The Lord is moved with compassion towards us!!!! Daily He looks upon our humble estates! Daily He promises to walk with us and equip us for every challenge that we will face on our journeys.

God qualified us to be the BEST mothers for our kiddos then and now. He gives us a thumbs up everyday. God specifically designed us to effectively parent our darling kiddos. Divorce nor its traumatic outcome can decommission us. God is for us!!!!

Sisters, can you itemize the small DAILY encounters with GOD that whisper to your heart, "Go on! Move forward! I'm proud of you! You can do this! I am with you always." They are there! Believe me, they are there. Look for those blessed impressions that God wants to leave on your heart. The Lord wants to fill your heart and days with compassion, understanding, and encouragement. The Lord sees your struggles; He wants to encourage you.

Dearest beautiful mamas, the opportunity to commence motherhood was never an invitation to sojourn without God. Rather, the undertaking required then as it requires now a personal, intimate relationship with God. Motherhood is a God thang; yep, embrace the slang-SMILE! Since the days of Eve, motherhood was a divine, miraculous endeavor- SMILE! The history of mothering goes waaaay back to the beginning. It's a God thang, sisters! It's the Lord who indescribably chooses us, creates life in us, and then stirs up every heavenly gift, trait, talent, and skill in us that we will need to care for our children. God entrusted Eve to be a nurturer of life. The Lord also trusts us. Motherhood is God's invention and idea. Therefore, we cannot be effective, committed, nor long suffering without God breathing life into our endeavors DAILY!!!!

Ladies, God chose Moses to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt. He, too, was forsaken of all before his face-to-face encounter with God. When the Lord approached Moses with his commission, Moses was so focused on himself. Moses was consumed with anxiety and worry about his inabilities, his shortcomings, his lack of resources, and his inadequacies. Moses doubted that the Children of Israel would listen to him. He doubted his ability to lead them and his ability to persuade and influence them in light of his past. Early on, Moses was a member of the Egyptian elite and he also murdered man. Moses could not see past his past in order to move forward with God. Ladies, is anything holding you back? Let it go! God is not holding your past against you so don't you hold it against yourself. Your kiddos need you. They need you to shower them with attention, affirmation, affection, assurance, and approval.

Ladies, we MUST get past the hurt of divorce to fulfill our divine calling as mothers. We have to allow God to heal and mend our broken hearts. We have to push through the pain. We MUST get better. Unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger will surface in our hearts and rightfully so. But, they cannot remain there indefinitely. We have to be full of life and love in order to fill our kiddos' lives with love. We can do this! YOU can do this. ALL things are possible with God!!!!!!

Moses gave God reason after reason to substantiate his perceived limitations and his angst about his mission. Moses moaned and groaned in his attempt to disqualify himself and terminate his commission. Exodus chapter 4 contains a dialogue between God and Moses. Mid-chapter, Moses tells God that he is not qualified for leadership because he is not an eloquent speaker. The Lord, yet again, responded in love and compassion. God reminded Moses that HE was ALL that Moses needed.  The Lord reminded Moses that amazing oratorical skills does not qualify leaders for service with God. The Lord alone qualifies and calls leaders to accomplish His will.

Ladies, we are qualified to 'mother.' We were qualified before divorce and we remain qualified. God is ALL we need. Divorce challenged us in nearly every way possible. We have questioned many, many things. We have asked "WHY?" probably more times than we can recount. Sure, we are a bit bruised, battered, and bewildered BUT, God still qualifies us. God is the one who makes ALL the difference in our parenting endeavors. He knows that we have fought immobilizing feelings and warred against myriad fears, cares, and concerns. Yet, the Lord still qualifies us. Take heart! You are fit for battle!

When Moses doubted, the Lord did not give up on Moses. In the same regard, God does NOT give up on us. When we waiver, falter, and faint, the Lord is there to gracefully and graciously usher us back to the frontline of our missions; He is always there to cheer us on. We are mommy-leaders that God have called and equipped. He will make sure that we stay focused and committed to the end.

We see that every time Moses cast doubt on his abilities, the Lord reassured him that He would equip him and walk with him. Every time that Moses cast doubt on the success of the mission, God assured him that He ALONE was the remedy for every challenge that lie ahead. The Lord is faithful! The Lord was faithful to Moses! The Lord is faithful to us!

God promised to equip and lead Moses! And, He did. The Lord wanted Moses to be fully assured and confident that although his assignment was tough, God was able to see him through it.

After all, God created everything for His purpose. The Lord orchestrated the 'Exodus' mission and called Moses, so He knew that everything would unfold just as He planned. Everything was meticulously set, Moses's trust and faith in God were the only things that had to be nailed down. Trust and faith were essential to his success on his odyssey...



Sisters, we all are on an odyssey. Single parenthood is an odyssey. Both trial and triumph lie ahead. Both sacrifice and success lie ahead. Both revilement and reward lie ahead. But, take heart! Be bold and courageous! God has called you to motherhood AND He has equipped you for the single-parent journey.

God commissioned you! God commissioned us! He knows everything that lies ahead. He knew the entire length and scope of our courses before He invited us to walk with follow Him. Trust the Lord!

Let's be mindful of Moses' example. Instead of telling God all that we can't do, let's trust that His grace, leading, equipping, and provision is all sufficient for us. Fight forward!

Love and blessings


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