Friday, March 24, 2017


HAPPY FRIDAY mamas!!!!
My morning began with a startling yet beautiful Spring shower.....
Today's storm was very, very welcome. The torrential rain melted away the thick, yellow pollen that coated the landscape. Prior to the Spring douse, my surroundings looked heavily battered like everything at a Deep South fish fry. 
The rain was cold, loud, and hard-hitting. It has brought much needed relief from the assaulting pollen. I found myself coughing, sneezing, and contending with dry eye. Alas, the airborne, individually invisible assailants are put at bay.
Did I mention that I'm super grateful for the t-storm this morning? I needed the liquid sunshine to clean my little part of the world. As I sat at morning tea, I only marveled at the thought of God and His goodness. 
Sisters, the Lord knows when we need rain or shine. There is a purpose for both. Just like flowers, we need rain and shine in our lives. The weather, as are the seasons of life, is constantly changing. Periods of rain or shine never last forever yet they are guaranteed. But, I assure you there's something YOU need in every season, rain or shine. 
We are daily being shepherded and molded as God's prized handiwork. Every season is needed to refine and perfect us. Enjoy the journey!
Can you imagine a human being that went from infancy to adulthood without the teenage years? Scientists are probably presently cooking up such a test tube baby. Surely, at first glance that could appear to be a blessing. But, seriously, can you imagine how much that individual would lack. The teen years are hard but they also are beautiful and necessary for adulthood productivity. 
God wants us perfect and mature. We wants us to be whole and complete. So, we must successfully progress through every stage and season of life. God is always after our good and His glory. 
There are no shortcuts with God. But, tons of edifying revelations, and lots of opportunities for restoration are within His scope and plan. We exist for God's glory! The Lord will NOT let us fail!
God has a blessing, nestled in every season, for YOU. Sometimes, you will have to wrestle for those blessings as did Jacob with the angel. And, other times those blessings will cascade down from Heaven like manna in the wilderness. Whatever the case, don't miss the blessing in your season. Nothing happens in our lives by accident; everything is an outcome of divine intelligent design. 
Have a dynamic, dazzling weekend!!!
Spend time with God! May His glory be upon you! Radiate His glory!
Love and blessings 

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